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A context encapsulates a piece of information at a specific point in time. It can be anything from the current working directory (CwdContext) to the output of a command (CommandContext). Contexts are used to capture the state of the environment in which a command/function is executed.

See the Contexts section for the list of all the built-in contexts.


A watcher encapsulates a piece of information by monitoring the execution of a command/function. It can be used to detect uncaught exceptions (UncaughtExceptionWatcher) or measure the execution time (TimeWatcher). Watchers are used to monitor the execution of a command/function.

See the Watchers section for more information.

Encapsulator and Capsule

You register multiple contexts and/or watchers to an encapsulator. Then, the encapsulator encapsulates the information encapsulated by the contexts and/or watchers into a "capsule".


A reporter reports the capsule in a specific format. For example, the JsonDumpReporter reports the capsule in JSON format.

See the Reporters section for more information.


A run is a single execution of a command/function. It has three encapsulators: pre-run, in-run, and post-run.

Encapsulator When to encapsulate Allowed registrations
Pre-run encapsulator Before the execution of the command/function. Contexts
In-run encapsulator During the execution of the command/function. Watchers
Post-run encapsulator After the execution of the command/function. Contexts

For each run, a run directory is created in the vault directory. This directory is used to store the files generated by contexts, watchers, and reporters.